UC Auaha Scholarship

EUR 2,900
15 August 2023

The purpose of this scholarship is to recognise and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship amongst intending first-year students at the University of Canterbury.


  • The scholarship is tenable during full-time enrolment in a first year of any undergraduate degree programme at the University of Canterbury • Must be a New Zealand or Australian citizen, hold a New Zealand residence class visa, or be an international student studying at secondary level in New Zealand • Selection will be based on:
  • Quality of achievement at NCEA Level 2 or in equivalent university entrance qualifications (achievement must be at least NCEA Level 2 at Merit level or equivalent); and • Participation in innovation and entrepreneurship programmes, such as the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES), or experience in establishing or being part of a business or social enterprise venture; and/or • Demonstration of a desire to have a positive impact on the applicant’s local community or beyond.

Financial assistance at a value of EUR 2,900 and The opportunity to participate in a UC-sponsored programme for budding entrepreneurs and innovators through the UC Centre for Entrepreneurship

Apply Now- https://scholarshipscanterbury.communityforce.com/Funds/Search.aspx

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