Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships, United Kingdom

United Kingdom

  • Posted Date: 11/11/2023
  • Expires on: 12/05/2023
  • Description:Overview
    Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships are for candidates from low and middle income countries, as classified by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), in the Commonwealth, to conduct research at a university in the UK for 12 months.The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) provides the UK government scholarship scheme led by international development objectives. Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), it operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and offers a vivid demonstration of the UK’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth. By attracting individuals with outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all backgrounds and supporting them to become leaders and innovators on returning to their home countries, the CSC’s work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and provides opportunities for international partnerships and collaboration.Purpose: To widen access to UK equipment and expertise for quality doctoral candidates from Commonwealth countries, and to contribute to UK and Commonwealth higher education and research through collaboration and partnerships.Intended beneficiaries: High-quality graduates from Least Developed and middle- income countries (including fragile and conflict affected states) who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK but who have the potential to become influential leaders, teachers, or researchers in their home countries, and whose proposed research has a developmental and leadership focus.Award duration: 12 months, which can be taken as a single 12-month period or separated into two six-month periods.Application process: Applications are accepted directly from candidates.Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships are offered under six CSC Development themes.How to applyApplications for Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships for the 2024/25 academic year are now open. The deadline for submitting an application is 16:00 GMT on 5 December 2023. The scholarships are for study in the UK beginning in September/October 2024.Applications to the CSC must be made using the CSC’s online application system.Applicants are advised to complete and submit applications as early as possible, as the online application system will be very busy in the days leading up to the application deadline.Applicants must apply to study at a UK university which has a part funding agreement with the CSC. Part funding agreements are at the discretion of individual universities. For a list of universities that have agreed to part fund Commonwealth Scholarships, visit the UK universities with part funding agreements page on the CSC website.Applicants can expect to hear the outcome by July 2024. We will contact all applicants by email and they should ensure all folders of their email accounts are monitored, including junk mail and spam folders. A scholarship offer may be withdrawn if an applicant is emailed but does not respond within a specified time.Financial assistance
    Each scholarship provides:Approved airfare from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and return at the end of the award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before the award is confirmed).
    Approved tuition fees: full fees are covered by agreement between the CSC and the UK university, and Scholars are not liable to pay for any part of the tuition fee.
    Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,347 per month, or £1,652 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at current levels).
    Warm clothing allowance, where applicable.
    Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas.
    If a Scholar is widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £576.61 per month for the first child, and £143 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if their children are living with them at the same address in the UK.
    If a Scholar shares that they have a disability, a full assessment of their needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC.The CSC’s family allowances are intended to be only a contribution towards the cost of maintaining a scholar’s family in the UK. The true costs are likely to be considerably higher, and Scholars must be able to supplement these allowances to support any family members who accompany them to the UK.
  • Fields
    •  Tourism
    • Accounting
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Agricultural Science
    • Agricultural Science
    • Anthropology
    • Archaeology and Ancient History
    • Architecture and Design
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Arts and Culture
    • Astrophysics
    • Banking and Finance
    • Biochemistry
    • Biological Sciences
    • Biology
    • Biomedical Science
    • Building Technology
    • Business and Economics
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Chemistry
    • Civil Engineering
    • Communication
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Criminology
    • Data Science
    • Dentistry
    • Ecology
    • Economics
    • Education
    • Engineering
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Environmental Science
    • Epidemiology
    • Food science Technology
    • Forestry
    • French
    • Geography
    • Geosciences
    • Health Science
    • History
    • History of Art and Film
    • Horticulture
    • Hospitality and Management
    • Human Kinetics
    • Human Resources
    • Humanities
    • IT
    • Journalism
    • Journalism
    • Law
    • Library
    • Library and Information Science
    • Linguistics
    • Literature
    • Machine Learning
    • Management
    • Marine Science
    • Marketing
    • Material Engineering
    • Material Science
    • Mathematics
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Media
    • Medicine
    • Microbiology
    • Modern Languages
    • Museum Studies
    • Music
    • Neurobiology
    • Neuroscience
    • Nursing
    • Nutrition
    • Office Technology Management
    • Peace and Conflict
    • Pharmaceutical Science
    • Philosophy
    • Physics
    • Physiology
    • Political Science
    • Politics and International Relations
    • Psychiatry
    • Psychology
    • Public Health
    • Public Policy
    • Real Estate
    • Science
    • Social Science
    • Social Welfare
    • Social work
    • Sociology
    • Software Engineering
    • Soil Science
    • Space Science
    • Special Education
    • Sport Science
    • Sustainable Development
    • Theology
    • Transportation Science
    • Urban Planning
    • Wild-life management
    • Zoology
  • Qualifications
    • Master

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