Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions in Quantum Science and Technology Germany

Expires on: 04/03/2024


We are offering 1 PhD and 1 postdoctoral position for early-career scientists eager to advance their scientific career. These positions are part of potentially groundbreaking long-term research programs within the cluster of excellence “Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology.” The successful candidates will contribute to research in areas such as tensor network methods for quantum chemistry, the foundation of quantum computing, quantum information theory for fermions, and the foundation of functional theories & N-representability problem.


Interested candidates should submit a single PDF document, including:

  1. Cover letter
  2. CV, list of publications, and contact details of two referees
  3. For postdoc candidates: Future research plans (max. 2 pages) and a link to the PhD thesis
  4. For PhD candidates: Academic transcripts (GPA ≥ 3.7) and a link to the Master’s thesis

Please send the application to with the subject line: “postdoc” or “phd” + relevant project number(s) P1-P4.


  • For PhD candidates: Strong academic transcripts (GPA ≥ 3.7) and a Master’s thesis.
  • For postdoc candidates: Future research plans (max. 2 pages), a link to the PhD thesis, and relevant research experience.
  • Highly motivated early-career scientists with a background in quantum science and technology.

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