Doctoral Degree Position in Computational Modeling for Power & Energy Systems, TU Delft, Netherlands

Expires on: 01/31/2024


Delft University of Technology invites applications for a PhD position in the field of computational modeling for power and energy systems. The project aims to enhance existing computational tools to accurately represent new sustainable technologies in the energy sector, such as renewable sources, batteries, electrolyzers, and heat pumps. The successful candidate will contribute to the MUESSLI project under the CRESYM umbrella, collaborating with industry partners and researchers from various institutions.


We seek a mathematically oriented researcher with a strong background in computational science. While knowledge of the energy field is desirable, it is not mandatory. Affinity with modeling and modeling formalisms, programming skills, and excellent English proficiency are essential.

Documents: Applicants must submit the following documents by January 31, 2024:

  • A cover letter detailing motivation and fit for the position.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) with academic and/or industry references.
  • List of grades for qualifying degrees (BSc, MSc).
  • If available, the thesis or another sample of technical writing.

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