Doctoral Degree Program in Educational Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Expires on: 03/20/2024


The Department of Education and Special Education (IPS) is one of four departments in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Key areas of interest in the department include education and societal relations, educational systems, school development and leadership, adult education, inclusion, learning, language and assessment, and grading issues.

Education is one subject in doctoral studies of educational research, focusing on educational issues in general, e.g., teaching, nurturing, socialization, formation, and learning. It has a special interest in the relationship between the individual and society and the conditions under which institutional conditions operate and have operated over time.

Within the subject of Education, influence processes and their significance for the relationship between structure and agency, within and outside the formal education system, are also examined. Educational work is another subject in doctoral studies of educational research, dealing with various perspectives and aspects of work within educational institutions in society.

The successful applicant will get a four-year employment as doctoral candidate and engage in doctoral studies at the Department of Education and Special Education. Guided by the supervisors, the doctoral candidate will formulate and accomplish a doctoral thesis (155 higher education credit points) and take courses at doctoral level (85 higher education credit points) in accordance with both a general and an individual study plan.

During the doctoral period, the dissertation will be presented and discussed in seminars with invited discussants on at least three occasions. The doctoral student will be a member of a research environment at the Department. The department encourages and supports the dissemination of the dissertation at national and international conferences.


To be eligible for admittance to doctoral studies in the research field of special education, conditions for both basic eligibility and special eligibility must be met. In addition, the applicant should be able to show that he/she has the necessary ability to complete the education.


  1. Personal letter with a short description of relevant background, max one A4 page
  2. Curriculum Vitae / Curriculum Vitae
  3. Study documentation that proves the basic and special qualifications (Excerpt from LADOK or other study documentation register)
  4. Essay / degree project comprising at least 15 credits at advanced level and a further maximum of one research-related text (e.g., article, report, etc.)
  5. One (1) research plan, maximum five A4 pages (see guidelines below and under the heading assessment basis)
  6.  References (optional)

Other qualifications the applicant wishes to invoke.

The preliminary research plan, not exceeding 5 pages (12pt font, excluding the reference list), should address questions relevant to the dissertation project, the subject context, the current state of research, materials and methods, as well as reflections on the relevance of the dissertation project. All accompanying documents must be in either Swedish or English.

Scientific publications, publications and the like that are not available in electronic form must be marked with a reference number and sent to:

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