Doctoral Research in Energy Systems Analysis, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Expires on: 04/07/2024


Join our team in shaping the future of energy systems! We are offering two exciting PhD positions to passionate individuals eager to contribute to model and data-based analysis, influencing future energy policies. As part of our Energy Systems Group, you will delve into pressing questions surrounding renewable energy technologies, sustainable pathways for biomass utilization, public acceptance of wind and solar energy, and the shifting dynamics of international trade patterns.

The Energy Systems Group at Chalmers University of Technology is seeking two motivated PhD candidates to join our interdisciplinary research environment. As a PhD student, you will work independently to plan, organize, and conduct research activities, contributing to the advancement of energy systems analysis. The position includes coursework, participation in seminars and conferences, and potential teaching obligations over a maximum duration of five years. With access to state-of-the-art tools and an international research network, you will have the support needed to excel in your doctoral journey.


  •  Master’s degree in economics, engineering, mathematics, environmental science, or related fields, with a demonstrated interest in energy studies.
  •  Familiarity with programming languages and excellent academic track record.
  •  Strong motivation and commitment to scientific inquiry.
  • Experience in energy systems analysis, GIS modeling, and statistics is advantageous.
  •  Proficiency in English language (written and verbal).

How to Apply: I

interested candidates should submit their applications electronically, marked with reference number 20240164, and written in English. The application should include:

  1. CV detailing academic qualifications, previous employments, and references.
  2. Personal letter introducing yourself, describing relevant experience, and outlining your research interests.
  3. Research proposal related to energy systems analysis (2-3 pages).
  4. Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
  5. Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades, and other relevant certificates.
  6. Use the provided button to access the application form and ensure all documents are attached as PDF files.

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