Doctoral Research in Material Science, Spintec, France

Expires on: 06/01/2024


Spintec, a leading research laboratory in spintronics, announces a PhD position in the fields of computational materials science, condensed matter theory, and device physics. The position is part of the PEPR SPIN exploratory program, aimed at advancing spintronics at the French national level. The selected candidate will conduct research to identify and characterize promising 2D materials for spin-orbitronics applications through high-throughput computational techniques. This collaborative project between Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (CNRS, Univ. of Montpellier) and SPINTEC (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CEA) offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field.

The PhD project aims to utilize computational methods to screen a database of exfoliable 2D materials for spintronics applications. The candidate will employ high-performance computing and high-throughput techniques to identify promising materials and compute relevant parameters. Collaboration with other work packages within the PEPR Spin consortium will be integral to the project, facilitating exchanges and dissemination of results. The position offers the opportunity to work under the supervision of experts from Laboratoire Charles Coulomb and SPINTEC, enhancing research skills and contributing to the advancement of spintronics.


  •  Applicants must hold a master’s degree in a relevant field.
  • Strong background in computational science and condensed matter theory is required.
  • Proficiency in coding, particularly in Python, is essential.
  • Experience with supercomputers and ab initio calculations is advantageous.
  •  Ability to understand complex quantum physical concepts and develop meaningful ab initio models.
  •  Understanding of spintronic device mechanisms is preferred.


Interested candidates should send their applications, including a CV and cover letter, to the contacts provided (T. Sohier and M. Chshiev) before the deadline. Applications must demonstrate qualifications, relevant experience, and a motivation for pursuing research in spintronics.

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