InterMaths Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, Europe

Expires on: 02/29/2024


A 2-year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master jointly offered by 5 EU Universities in Barcelona, Nice, Hamburg, Vienna, L’Aquila

If you are interested in joining the forthcoming edition, read the information below and submit your application via our online tool

Every year we offer several full scholarships through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme (EMJMD) worth 49,000 EUR (maximum). 

Note that:

We won’t charge you any fee to take part in the application process.
To apply for an EMJMD scholarship, you won’t need to submit a separate application
By submitting your application before the set deadline for scholarships (see below), your application will automatically be considered for EMJMD scholarships, too.
For practical reasons, by filling our application form you are applying for all three programmes managed by our Network
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree “InterMaths – Interdisciplinary Mathematics”
Joint Master Degree “Mathmods – Mathematical Modelling in Engineering ”
Double Degree “RealMaths – Mathematics for Real World Applications”.

To this purpose, in the application form you will be asked to express your level of interest for each of the three programmes (high, moderate or low interest).

After the evaluation, a unique ranking will be generated with the information on the programme(s) for which you have obtained the minimum score for admission.

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