PhD in Machine Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics at Southern Methodist University, United States

Expires on: 03/31/2024


The Artificial Intelligence for Design (AI4D) Lab at Southern Methodist University (SMU) invites highly motivated PhD applicants with a passion for research in scientific machine learning, computational physics, design and optimization, fluid dynamics, and aerodynamics. Fully funded positions offer coverage for tuition, insurance, and stipends, with opportunities for collaboration with industrial and academic partners. Join us in developing cutting-edge solutions for multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) to tackle large-scale problems in complex systems, particularly in fluid dynamics.

The AI4D Lab at SMU is offering fully funded PhD positions for motivated individuals interested in pushing the boundaries of scientific machine learning and computational fluid dynamics. As part of our interdisciplinary team, successful candidates will engage in developing state-of-the-art mathematical solutions and data-driven algorithms to address complex design and optimization challenges, particularly in fluid dynamics.

Responsibilities include conducting research, collaborating with industrial and academic partners, programming, and contributing to the advancement of AI-powered digital engineering systems. The starting date for positions varies between Fall 2024 and Fall 2025.


  • Hold a Master’s degree in mechanical, aerospace, applied mathematics, or a related field focusing on fluid dynamics.
  •  Proficiency in AI/ML, reduced-order modeling, and computational methods.
  • Experience in programming with Python, Julia, or C++.
  • Strong understanding of fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and turbulence.
  •  Familiarity with CFD software development or algorithms used in CFD methods.
  • Meet admission requirements for the PhD program in the Lyle School of Engineering at SMU.


Interested applicants should email a brief cover letter and CV to Dr. Hamid R. Karbasian at with the subject line “PhD Application – SML”. Please ensure to meet admission requirements for the PhD program in the Lyle School of Engineering at SMU.

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