PhD Position in Protein Biology, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Expires on: 12th February 2024


Join the innovative research project at Utrecht University, focusing on advancing our understanding of complex proteomics data through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. This PhD position offers a unique opportunity to develop AI-driven methodologies for analyzing mass spectrometry data, collaborating with leading experts in AI Technology for Life and Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics.

As a PhD candidate, you will lead the development of AI-driven methodologies for the analysis of diverse mass spectrometry data, including metabolites, peptides, and intact proteins. You will predict biochemical properties of molecules, interpret trained models, and apply protein structure prediction methods to understand post-translational modifications’ impact on protein structure and interactions. Collaborating with Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics groups, you will gain hands-on experience in planning, executing, and validating biological hypotheses


  • (Nearly) completed MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Computer Sciences, or Bioinformatics with a strong AI component.
  • Demonstrable experience in the development of machine learning methods.
  • Interest in working with proteomics data.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in English.


  • Letter of motivation, explaining your interest in the position and demonstrating your suitability.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of at least two referees.
  • Academic transcript (certified record of your grades) for both your BSc and MSc.
  • Copy of your MSc thesis (if available).

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