PhD Positions in Forestry, Wilfred Laurie University, Canada

Expires on: 03/01/2024


There are two funded PhD positions available through Wilfrid Laurier University’s Forest Ecology Research Group. As part of a new collaboration with the Yukon Government, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, and the Canadian Forest Service. Candidates will join dynamic collaborations focused on the resilience of Yukon forests following wildfire and biotic disturbance. We will begin evaluating applicants on February 26, 2024 and continue until positions. 

This project will employ dendroecological approaches to evaluate disturbance history of a new network of sites across the Central Yukon�s �fire belt�. This will involve dendroecological determination of the timing of the most recent stand replacing fire as well as the frequency of low severity fires. These data will anchor many other parts of the program so there will be substantial opportunity for collaboration. A second major focus of this position will be on the determination of vulnerability of aspen trees to aspen running canker, a novel fungal pathogen that is leading to widespread aspen mortality in Alaska and the Yukon. Following recent fires, we are observing frequent conversion of spruce-dominated forests to aspen dominance; the emergent aspen running canker, in conjunction with other pests and climate pressures could result in changes to these recent forest recovery trajectories that could benefit conifers and allow lichen biomass recovery. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to explore determinants of stand vulnerability to aspen running canker to facilitate forecasting of the impact of this new pathogen.

Funding includes a competitive stipend for the graduate student and funds for field assistants, travel expenses, and field supplies. The ideal candidate will have interest or experience in tree growth and/or tree ring studies. Further, the candidate should have strong writing and organizational skills. The ability to lead and implement field-sampling logistics is important. Fieldwork will involve extended periods in remote field locations in the Yukon.

How to apply 

Interested students should contact me directly ( with their Academic CV, transcript (unofficial is fine) and, if possible, a piece of your own written work. In your cover letter, please indicate your motivation for pursuing this position and highlight any barriers, career interruptions, or other life events that may have modified your path.

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