5 reasons why you need to start your postgraduate applications early

Mario Andretti said: Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience so that you can make the most of opportunities when they arise.

It is no longer news that, recently, a new British policy was put in place that prevents students on study visas from bringing their family members to the UK. This simply means that the United Kingdom has clamped down on the number of dependents brought to the UK via study visa. 

Immediately after this policy was made and the news got circulated, we had an influx of people making inquiries on how to put in their application for the UK study route, with the view to rushing up their admission processes in order to be able to travel with their dependents in September before the execution of the new law.

This was in June and, some universities in the UK’s deadline is usually by May. For students applying in June, while some might be lucky to get admissions, others might not be so lucky, and some applications might still be pending.

In this blog, we have put together 5 reasons why you need to take advantage of the time and not wait till the last minute before putting in your application for your postgraduate studies.

Who is an early applicant? 

An early applicant is someone who applies early and sends in or submits their application earlier than the deadline.

Your next question might be, So why do I need to submit my application early?

I think I can take all the time in the world to do so.

Here are five reasons why you should consider starting your application on time.

1. You get an early decision on your application

Typically, students would choose to submit their applications before the deadline or a little bit closer to the deadline. By doing this, there is a probability that you will be one of the tens of thousands of applicants for the future intake because this is the regular application time. And at this time, the traffic is usually heavy on the admissions offices and universities, and they end up getting overwhelmed and discarding applications.

They end up going for the top applicants to fill in the classes, and if you do not have a strong academic standing, you might end up feeling embarrassed or having your application discarded.

 Most universities usually encourage applicants to apply early 

2. You have a higher chance of getting accepted 

Research has shown that your chances of being accepted can increase if you apply early. This is due to the fact that the college is certain you will enrol if accepted, improving the school’s yield, or the proportion of accepted applicants who actually enrol.

3. You have time to focus on application documents

Starting your application early gives you ample time to dedicate to collating and creating your documents. Documents such as your essays and statement of purpose are essential for you to submit in order to get admitted, and by carefully editing and rewriting the drafts via numerous revisions, you may make the greatest possible use of your profile and time.

4. You are not under stress or duress

Applying to graduate school is challenging and stressful in terms of time and effort. So, the advantage of applying early is that you get to complete your application process without stress or under any kind of pressure or hassles, and this will in a way positively contribute to the overall outlook of the application. If you’re under stress, it will reflect on the quality of your application.

Spending time on the application will allow you to carefully study it and help you avoid mistakes that you might make.

5. You can finish your application on time and source for funds

It is no longer news that one of the teeming challenges facing students, especially those from developing countries around the world, is the lack of funds for tuition. In our blog, How to successfully fund your relocation plans  We considered extensively on how you can plan your finances for your postgraduate studies.

Early application would give you ample time to source funds for your tuition, visa, and other expenses.

Need we say more?

Early to bed, early to rise You need not wait until the 11th hour before taking that step towards your postgraduate study.

January admissions for the UK are currently ongoing, as are those for Canada and Australia.

Take advantage of the time frame you have and send a message to us

Let’s help get you started 

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