University of Minnesota Fellowship 2023

Level of Study: Masters

The University of Minnesota offers a variety of fellowships to support graduate students in their academic and professional development. Fellowships are typically merit-based awards that do not require the recipient to perform any work duties in exchange for the award. Fellowships can be used to cover the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses during the course of a graduate program.

There are several types of fellowships available at the University of Minnesota, including:
University Fellowships: These fellowships are awarded to highly qualified graduate students and are typically funded by the University.

Departmental Fellowships: These fellowships are awarded by individual academic departments and may be based on merit or financial need.

External Fellowships: These fellowships are funded by external organizations and may be available to graduate students at the University of Minnesota.

To be considered for a fellowship at the University of Minnesota, students must complete a fellowship application and provide transcripts, a statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and other materials as required. The application process may vary depending on the specific fellowship and the academic department in which the student is enrolled.

It is important to note that fellowship opportunities can be competitive, and students should begin the application process early to ensure they are considered for all available opportunities.

Apply here

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