Master, Bachelor
30 December 2023
Wellness Dental is pleased to announce their annual Wellness Dental Scholarship program for dental and medical students in the United States.
Enrollment verification at an accredited university, community college, online college or high school
Current high school seniors
Current college students
US citizen or permanent resident
Minimum 2.0 GPA
Scholarship winner must submit a self-photo with Wellness Dental Scholarship award
Winner will also grant permission to Wellness Dental to use the self-photo for future promotional use of the Wellness Dental Scholarship Fund
They offer a $1,000 scholarship to one dental student to achieve their goal of becoming a dentist.
Write an original 700-word essay on “How Your Oral Health Affects Your Overall Wellness.”
Include your name, address, email, phone number, university, and year of graduation in the title of the essay.
The essay must be original and be sure to check for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Email your completed essay and your photograph as an attachment to, using your student e-mail address, before the essay deadline.
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