Distinguished Freshman Award

PHD, Bachelor
$ 2,000
5 September 2023

PHD Bachelor
The Distinguished Freshman Award is open to incoming freshmen that have been selected for designations through any of the four National Recognition Programs for their first year at UTA.

Eligible students will have taken the PSAT, MSSQT, PSAT 10, and received notification of their National Recognition Program status directly from the College Board to be eligible for this award. For details on the criteria or how to qualify please visit the College Board, National Honor Society or Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership websites for details on the criteria or how to qualify for this award.
The value of the scholarship goes up to $2,000

The deadline to submit your documentation to be considered for this award is September 6, 2023.

Apply Now- https://www.uta.edu/administration/fao/scholarships/distinguished-freshman-award

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