PHD, Master
AUD $40,000.
30 September 2023
The Sustainable Health Care Funding (SHCF) Scholarship will fund one American or one Australian Graduate (Postdoctoral, Ph.D. or Masters) student or researcher to undertake comparative research in the field of health care policy and management.
- Candidate must have affiliation, placement or letter of offer from an Australian or American University/research institution, or agreement from their Australian or American University/institution to undertake the proposed research project; • Candidate must be an US citizen or permanent resident if going to Australia or an Australian citizen or permanent resident if going to the US; • Candidate must have prior knowledge or experience in health care administration, and/or a Master’s Degree in Health Care Management; • Candidate’s references must indicate strong professional promise. • • Applicants who fulfill the general eligibility requirements will be assessed on the following criteria: • Knowledge of existing health care funding systems in Australia, the USA and other Australasian countries; • Ability to analyze health care epidemiological, activity or financial data sets; • Applicability of the proposed research topic to health care funding issues in both Australia and the USA; • Practicality of the proposed research project given the time available; • Commitment to make research findings available to American Australian Association and the public.
This scholarship will provide support of up to US $40,000 and may be used to support tuition, travel, living expenses and any other associated educational or research costs.
Submission Period: Australia to USA: Open for application on January 24 to March 31. USA to Australia: Open for application on August 1 to September 30.
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