The President’s PhD Scholarship at Imperial College London

Levels: PhD
Scholarship Overview

The President’s PhD Scholarship at Imperial College London, is open to outstanding international students 2022-2023.

The scholarship is for high performing undergraduate or Master’s student who have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world-class research institution. Students who will be selected will receive full tuition fees and a generous stipend for a PhD place at Imperial College London.

The President’s PhD Scholarships provides up to 50 research students the opportunity to work within their chosen research field with the support of an excellent supervisor.

Successful students will receive the following for 3.5 years

Full funding for tuition fees
A stipend of £21,800 per annum to assist with living costs
A consumables fund of £2,000 per annum for the first 3 years of study

Candidates must be in receipt of, or due to receive, a first-class UK degree or equivalent.
Candidates with a standalone Master’s qualification must have achieved a distinction or, where this has yet to have been achieved, be able to provide evidence of high performance that will lead to a distinction. They must also hold a first-class UK undergraduate degree or equivalent (integrated Masters that form part of an undergraduate degree, e.g. MEng, MSci, M.Math, are assessed by Admissions as an undergraduate qualification when determining eligibility). Candidates with multiple standalone Master’s qualifications must have achieved a distinction in the one most relevant to their PhD study.
Applications are accepted from talented candidates from Imperial College London, the UK and worldwide. There are no restrictions on nationality, although some departments may be unable to support international candidates.
Candidates with degrees from overseas institutions should check with the relevant Admissions team if their scores/grades are equivalent to the scholarship entry criteria.
Prior to applying candidates must have made contact with a supervisor in an academic department at Imperial College London who has agreed to supervise their research project. Please note that supervisors are limited to supervise one scholar at any time. Please review the President’s PhD Scholarships – Unavailable Supervisors page for more information.
The scheme is only open to new PhD applications. Current registered Imperial PhD students are not eligible to be considered for a President’s PhD Scholarship.
Application Instructions

Applications can be completed online at
When prompted for a personal statement you must include a 2-page document, the first page a personal statement and the second your research proposal. You may submit updated versions of this statement if required following application submission if your department shortlists you for the scholarship. You are encouraged to write in the first person and to avoid the use of gender pronouns.
When prompted for the names of two academic referees, these should not include your proposed PhD supervisor. You are encouraged to share this guidance with your two referees, noting, in particular, the recommendation to use ‘they/them’ language (rather than gender pronouns).
To be considered for the President’s PhD Scholarship scheme, applicants must select this option in the funding section of the additional questions tab within the online application form.
You must also meet any additional application requirements stated by your department of choice.

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