PhD Position in Molecular Biology, University of Bergen, Norway

Expires on: 02/03/2024


The University of Bergen, in collaboration with the Michael Sars Centre, invites applications for a 4-year PhD position funded by an ERC consolidator grant (ORIGINEURO). The position, located at the Michael Sars Centre, will contribute to the project “Tracking the deep Aevolutionary origins of neurons” under the supervision of Dr. Pawel Burkhardt.


Master’s degree in biology or equivalent; proficiency in English; relevant experience in molecular and cellular biology; knowledge of gene delivery and knockdowns/knockouts; background in ctenophores is advantageous

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit the following documents through Jobbnorge:

  • Brief account of research interests and motivation
  • CV
  • Contact information for two references (one must be the main advisor for the master’s thesis)
  • Transcripts and diplomas (or a statement confirming thesis submission)
  • Relevant certificates/references
  • Documentation of proficiency in English
  • List of scientific works (publication list) and any publications

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