Doctoral Degree Funding in Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Expires on: 03/10/2024


Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science. Supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, the chosen candidate will work on the project ‘Transnational Governance and the Politics of Transformative Change at the Climate-Biodiversity Frontier’ alongside Professor Michele Betsill (PI) and co-investigators Professor Harriet Bulkeley (Durham University/Utrecht University) and Professor Stacy VanDeveer (University of Massachusetts Boston). Enrollment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences.

The chosen candidate will work with team members to compile and analyze a novel database of transnational governance initiatives (TGIs) that address simultaneously the intertwined challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and social justice. The project seeks to understand how TGIs are delineating the climate-biodiversity frontier as a new site for governance intervention and political contestation by answering two research questions: 1) What forms of transnational governance are emerging to simultaneously address climate, biodiversity, and social goals? and 2) How are the interconnections between climate change, biodiversity loss, and social justice framed and contested through the work of TGIs?


  • Background (e.g. master’s degree) in a relevant social science field such as political science, international relations, geography, sociology, environmental social science, etc. (required);
  • Demonstrated aptitude for research (required);
  • Excellent English-language writing and speaking skills (required);
  •  Proven skills in academic writing (required);
  • A willingness to take on independent responsibilities and work collaboratively as part of a team (required);
  •  Familiarity with relevant methods such as descriptive and inferential statistics and/or discourse analysis (desired)

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