Master, Bachelor
Eligible students have the opportunity to undertake a professional career development elective course and receive credit in their degree through a course substitution. A $1000 grant will be offered to students to go toward their professional development opportunity, examples include: • a career development or professional skills course offered by UniSA • an internship or industry practicum • an international study tour to gain global experience and enhance career prospects • any additional professional education opportunity of choice approved by the Program Director.
To become eligible, students must: • Preference any of the specified UniSA programs above in their SATAC application. • Successfully complete and achieve a minimum study score of B+ in Stage 2 Accounting as recorded on your SACE Record of Achievement. • Accept an offer for any of the above UniSA programs. • Receive a congratulatory letter confirming details of the grant. • If you have already enrolled in Accounting for Business (ACCT1008), you will need to unenroll/drop this course before census date to receive the grant. If you remain enrolled in Accounting for Business (ACCT1008), it will be understood that you are forfeiting the grant.
Value: $1,000 voucher to be used for an approved professional development elective.