Everyone should have the possibility to get an education that matches their inclinations and skills – even if the financial means of their parents are not sufficient. Because of this, the Federal Republic of Germany supports students and apprentices with financial services according to the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz or BAföG).
University of Stuttgart
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University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. It sees itself as a center of university-based, non-university, and industrial research.
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German students can apply for BAföG, but under certain circumstances, foreign students can receive benefits too. It is not possible to say universally if you will receive BAFöG as an international student or not. It depends on diffenrent thing: Students who came to Germany solely to study (for example with a student visa) are not eligible. Asylum seekers and asylum applicants are also not eligible.
Foreign students can receive BAföG if they … • are citizens of the European Union and have a right to permanent residence in line with the EU’s Freedom of Movement Law or are foreign students with a permanent residence permit • or one parent are or were employed in Germany and have a corresponding residence permit • are recognized refugees
With BAföG, students can partly finance their studies. The many forms may seem overwhelming at first. But it is a secure way of funding that will make it easier for students to concentrate on their studies. The amount of the BAföG-funding depends on the student’s earnings and assets as well as the earnings of his or her parents, spouse or registered partner. The maximum amount is as follows: If you still live with your parents it’s 592 Euros, otherwise it’s 861 Euros (both if you are below 30 years of age)
Please clarify first with the Amt für Ausbildungsföderung (Office for Educational Funding) if you get BAföG as a foreign student. If yes you can apply with a “quick application” (Kurzantrag) first in order to keep the deadline.
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