Brock Chittim Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry


The Brock Chittim Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry honours the life and accomplishments of Mr. Brock Chittim (MSc., ’87). He has built Wellington Laboratories into a world leader in generating and supplying analytical standards. Brock is a long-time supporter of the University of Guelph and continues to demonstrate how integrity and high ethical standards can be a successful approach in business.

Selection will be based on the student with the most outstanding academic record, demonstrated by a high admission average and a track record indicating research potential. This award can only be held only once. Scholarship funds to be awarded are in addition to (i.e. as a “top-up”) to the GWC2 stipend. University of Waterloo students in the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry (GWC2) program are not eligible. Students entering or direct transferring to a full-time PhD program in Chemistry at the University of Guelph in the Winter, Spring, or Fall semester of a calendar year are eligible for consideration in the Fall semester of that same year.

1 award of $5,000

Application for Admission

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