Doctoral Degree Positions in Ecology/Biology/Environmental Science & Microbiology, Michigan Technological University, United States

Expires on: 06/15/2024

The Vick-Majors lab at Michigan Technological University is recruiting 2 PhD students interested in topics related to organic carbon biogeochemistry and microbial ecological processes and communities, focused on lakes ranging from the Laurentian Great Lakes to small lakes in the Northern hemisphere.

Potential projects emphasize hypotheses related to how the ecological structure and function of lakes vary during the winter along gradients of productivity and water color ( or the response of large lakes to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (freshwater acidification) and potential mitigation by microbial activities.


  • M.S. degree in ecology, biology, environmental science, microbiology, or a closely related field, with evidence of research success in the form of a thesis and/or publications is strongly preferred; demonstrated research excellence and experience may substitute for the M.S. degree.
  • Experience and interest in ecological and/or microbial molecular techniques in addition to at least one the following is desired: data/statistical analysis in R, bioinformatics, flow cytometry, microbial growth assays, optical analysis of dissolved organic matter.
  • Experience with fieldwork preferred; interest in fieldwork is necessary.
  • The ability to work independently as well as with a diverse research group and the ability to organize individual as well as team tasks is necessary.
  • The ideal candidate should communicate effectively, be reliable, independent, well-organized, respectful of others, and interested in contributing to a cohesive lab environment.


Successful candidates will be supported with a competitive stipend, tuition/fee coverage, and health coverage.

How to Apply:

The preferred start date is August 2024, with some flexibility for qualified candidates. The positions will remain open until filled, but priority will be given to applications received by 15 June 2024.

Interested candidates should contact Dr. Trista Vick-Majors ( with the subject line, Lakes PhD Application and the following items compiled into a single pdf:

  1. a one-page cover letter that describes your experience and interests and addresses the required/desired position qualifications as well as your availability,
  2. a resume or CV,
  3. contact information for three professional references, and
  4. most recent academic transcript (unofficial or official).

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