Doctoral Degree Program in Computer Science, DTU, Denmark

Expires on: 07/01/2024

With this call, we are mainly looking for mathematically gifted PhD students with excellent programming skills to continue our ground-breaking work on certifying algorithms. There is some flexibility as to what kind of research PhD students in the group pursue, though, and all candidates are welcome, both those who want to go deep into either theory or practice and those who are inspired by the challenge of bridging the gap between the two.

These positions are available for period of 3-5 years, depending on the current education level of the applicant (please see the official advertisement for more detailed information). The starting date is flexible, but will be in October 2024 or thereafter. All PhD positions in the research group are fully funded, employed positions (including travel money) that come with an internationally competitive salary.


To be eligible to apply for these positions, applicants need to have or be about to obtain either a BSc or an MSc degree in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. The successful candidates are expected to have a strong background and passionate interest in mathematics and computer science, as demonstrated by excellent grades in relevant courses, or by results at the Olympiads of Mathematics or Informatics, or by publication in relevant internationally recognized conferences or journals. Problem solving skills and creativity are a must. For candidates interested in more applied research, strong programming skills are required.

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