Doctoral Degree Research in Physical Geography, Umeå University, Sweden

Expires on: 05/25/2024

In the project “Flood Seasons: Impact of seasonality shifts of flooding and ice on river dynamics” we aim to assess how current and future changes in the flooding and ice regime in Nordic rivers impact streambank erosion and sediment transport. In high-latitude and high-altitude rivers, winter ice cover and its break-up can have a large impact on bank erosion and sediment transport. Climate change will affect the ice regime by decreasing the duration of ice cover, altering the number of 0° C-crossings and thus ice break-up events, and change the timing of ice break-up/cover in relation to high flows. In order to understand how climate change will affect ice-related bank erosion and sediment transport, this project will combine various methods, including environmental seismology, river-ice modelling, evaluating historical ice cover data, and field work to examine ice- versus flood-induced bank erosion. 


To be admitted for studies at third-cycle level the applicant is required to have completed a second cycle level degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are at second-cycle level, or have an equivalent education from abroad, or equivalent qualifications.

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