Here are ways Journaling can help you as an international student…

You’ve just recently secured an admission, and you’re all over the place, excited and happy about the opportunities that lay ahead of you. You relish every moment and are counting down the days until you leave your country to start a new life overseas. If there is anything that you should take advantage of, it is journaling. During the course of putting this article together, we interviewed some students, and their response was that journaling was the best form of therapy they explored when they moved abroad.

You might be wondering why this is so, what exactly journaling means, how it helps my studies and general life, and whether it is not a waste of time to commit myself to this.

Not to worry, we wrote this blog with you in mind, and in this blog, we will expatiate more on what journalling means and how it can help you

What is journaling 

According to the Free Dictionary, journaling is a personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary. There’s this relief that comes with being able to document your journey, thoughts, emotions, lessons, and progress.

In simple terms, journaling means being able to express your thoughts in written format, so you might be wondering, “How exactly does this affect my studies?” 

Here is how journaling helps you 

This is because journaling evokes mindfulness; the journey to a new country entails exposure to a new kind of life, which will probably take you years to adapt to.

Relocation to a new country ultimately means exposure to new food, a new way of life, new friends, and new neighbours. After your adaptation, all you need to do is document your journey, which will help ease your stress.

Journaling has been said to be one of the most effective ways to eliminate stress, boost mindfulness, and improve general mental health.

The fact that journaling evokes mindfulness and helps you overcome certain negative feelings and emotions is one viable reason why you should give it a try.

It affords you the opportunity to pick up your journal from the previous year and monitor your progress.

Journalling also helps you shake off imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome 

Imposter Syndrome is a condition in which you struggle to accept your achievements, distrust your own talents, and feel like a fraud. Research has shown that sometimes, childhood memories, such as the feeling that you were never better than your friends and your grades were never good enough, might impact negatively on the biological make-up of a child into adulthood. It helps you shake off imposter syndrome more quickly and also makes you feel so good about your progress.

Journaling your thoughts, emotions, and challenges has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress.

Here is how you can start

It’s quite simple

1. You don’t need a fancy journal.

All you need is a notebook and a pen, and you’re good!

2. Make sure to date every note, thought, and emotion you feel at the time of journaling; it will give you more insight into how emotions work and help you regulate and control your emotions when the odds are low.

Apart from being a great mindfulness exercise, journaling helps you sort out your emotions and prioritize pieces in your life,

How has journaling helped you?

Will you give this viable mindfulness practice a shot?

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