I got into my dream country after 10 rejections

Our Japa story series was officially launched last week Tuesday and, this week, we will be speaking with a friend of Careeredu, he is someone who has been a part of our community from way back.

To reiterate the importance of our series ‘Japa stories’, it’s a platform that affords you the opportunity to know you are not alone in your journey. There are people like you who were once clueless, confused, and broken but with dedication, perseverance, and commitment, they’re where they have always wanted to be. We hope this series gives you the assurance that if someone has walked this path and succeeded at it, then yours isn’t and will not be an exception.

We were opportune to speak with Mr. Ade who recently got a scholarship to his dream university in the United Kingdom after 10 failed attempts.

His story is that of resilience and faith.

We hope his story inspires you to never give up even at times when the odds seem to be against you.

Read on and enjoy

My story was that of a determined heart who decided to not give up despite the gross experiences and uncertainties I went through. I remember in the year 2020, I applied for a master’s program in Canada, at the time, I was undergoing a master’s program at the University of Benin but there was a 9-month ASUU strike that disabled the entire university system. It was at this point that I started considering undertaking a masters degree abroad because I felt the whole masters thing was dragging and taking too much time (that was my third year in my master’s program). I decided to take a leap and shoot my shot. 

I went on youtube, watched a few videos of those who had travelled, and most importantly, I learned how to put my application together. One month after, I knew it was time to take the leap of faith and I started writing and sending emails.

I was totally confused about the entire process and this is where I will advice whoever cares to listen that it is better to engage the services of companies like Careeredu, they simply take the extra efforts off you and make the entire process easy and seamless for you. 

I sent a series of emails but got zero responses, the more emails I sent, the more zero responses I got. It became tiring and I just decided to try my luck and get on with the application rather than wait for the professor’s emails which I clearly wasn’t getting. I did an application to the university of Dalhousie and Saskatchewan university and I was not accepted. 

I kept at it, hoping and trusting that something good and amazing would come through for me. I decided to pitch my tent to universities in the Uk which has always been my dream country.

I applied to several universities in Germany, Uk, and Canada and it was rejection upon rejection. I had gotten to the point where I had rejection letters stocked up in my emails.

However, on a fateful afternoon, something different happened.

I had gotten a mail notification but I decided I was not in a great mood to attend to any mail which would further heighten my depressed state. Later in the evening, I summoned up the courage and decided to check it and for the first time, It was a ‘we are happy to offer you’. My joy knew no bounds, not only was I offered admission, I was offered a scholarship that covered my tuition fees.

I started my visa processing and, a few months down the line. I arrived at Heathrow airport.

One thing my experience has taught me is that anything good takes time, and your commitment should be to stay and not get weary, I had friends with whom we started together but after the fifth rejection, they stopped because they felt they could no longer carry on.

The university which gave me this admission and scholarship was the last application I did on the said day.

My advice if you’re trying to do something different is

Good things take time

Don’t lose hope

If you can, it’s better to adopt the services of experts 


 Thank you for sharing your story, we hope it inspires people to never give up and to stay on track even when the odds seem to be against them.

Thank you for sharing your story Mr. Ade

As you rightly heard, you don’t need to die in silence

The admission process takes a huge chunk of your time. You don’t have to go through that process alone.

We are here to help you

Send us a DM today to get started and you’ll be glad you did.

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