Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Research in Biotechnology, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Expires on: 04/30/2024

The Marie-Skłodowska Curie Doctoral Network: “Innovative Ligands for Nuclear Receptors to Eradicate Cancer Relapse”, (eRaDicate) funded by the European Community is recruiting 11 young researchers.

The doctoral candidates (DCs) will be trained not only to perform original and independent research on an internationally competitive level but also to develop creative, critical, and entrepreneurial mind-sets, to be prepared for a wide spectrum of career opportunities.

eRaDicate is a doctoral network that combines training and research in almost equal parts. The network is built around a community of leading researchers and all DCs will be part of this community through secondments, training schools, eRaDicate events, and conferences. The research will be performed at 8 universities (Medical University of Vienna, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Wroclaw, Medical University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw, University of Birmingham*, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, and Trinity College Dublin) and a company (TissueGnostics GmbH). The objective of the network is to understand the role of nuclear receptors, such as retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and vitamin D receptor (VDR), in cancer development and to design and synthesise highly innovative compounds targeting these receptors, to become therapies against cancer stem cell-driven relapse and metastasis. Furthermore, the DCs in the network will devise pre-formulation strategies for the compounds and develop a novel, deep learning-based cancer analysis and diagnostics method.

The EU has provided the following contributions for the recruited doctoral candidates:

  1. Living allowance:       € 28,764.00 per year*
  2. Mobility allowance:    € 7,200.00 per year
  3. Family allowance:      € 7,920.00 per year, if applicable**


  • Master’s or equivalent degree in Medicine, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, or a related subject at the moment of recruitment to Doctoral School of the University of Wrocław (end of August 2024).
  • Experience with cell culture, cell isolation, and general molecular biology techniques.
  • Knowledge of principles of cancer biology.
  • Willingness to teach, train, and supervise undergraduate and MSc students.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English (IELTS 6, CEFR B2 or equivalent; proof required), Polish is a plus.
  • Applicants must be eligible to enrol on a 4 years PhD programme at the host institution (Link to the PhD programme, biomedical sciences school starting at pg.95).

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