PhD Fellowship in Physics, The Arctic University, Norway

Expires on: 05/28/2024

A PhD position is available at the Department of Physcis and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology The SFF Integreat announces one vacant PhD position in the intersection of the research topics information theory and deep learning.

The position is for a period of four years. The nominal length of the PhD programme is three years. The fourth year is distributed as 25 % each year and will consist of teaching and other duties.The objective of the position is to complete research training to the level of a doctoral degree.

Admission to a PhD program is a prerequisite for employment. The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position in Tromsø within a reasonable time after receiving the offer. Preferred starting date is in January 2025, but earlier dates can also be discussed.


This position requires a Norwegian master’s degree in physics, mathematics/statistics, computer science, or similar, or a corresponding foreign master’s degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian master’s degree. If you are near completion of your master’s degree, you may still apply.

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