PhD Positions in Architecture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Expires on: 08/30/2024

We offer two PhD positions for developing design-based research on immersive modeling and the integration of auralization tools into the design process. The full-time positions span four years and are funded according to standard SNSF regulations. Upon completing the doctorate, the two fellows will be awarded the title Dr. sc. ETH Zurich from the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH).

The project aims to develop theoretical and experimental research examining the use of immersive audio simulation and modeling techniques in the spatial practices of architecture and sound arts. The team is composed of senior and doctoral researchers at the ETH Zürich and ZHdK, combining expertise in computational design, sound composition, acoustic simulation, virtual reality, psychoacoustics and the history of architecture. The project relies on expertise and cutting edge-infrastructures like the Immersive Design Lab at ETH, and Ambisonic and Wave Field Synthesis arrays at the ICST.


The candidate must have a diploma/M.Sc. degree in architecture or sound art related practices (electroacoustic composition, sound design, spatial audio, etc.). The ideal candidate has knowledge in architecture and acoustics, and experience with tools like MaxMSP, IRCAM Spat, Rhino/Grasshopper and skills in scripting/programming. The candidate will be based and employed at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST), ZHdK, focusing on sound practices within architectural acoustic spaces.

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