PhD Research in Animal Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

Expires on: 06/05/2024

The Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences (IHA), Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is offering a three-year PhD scholarship in Animal Breeding and Genetics. This project, part of the NFR project DigiFishent, focuses on developing digital phenotypes for feed intake and efficiency in Atlantic salmon.

The PhD project is part of the NFR project DigiFishent, aiming to:

  • Collect feed intake records across large genomic cohorts of Atlantic salmon.
  • Estimate genetic parameters for feed intake and efficiency in both fresh and saltwater phases.
  • Apply genomic prediction and mapping models to feed efficiency and intake.
  • Estimate genetic correlations between stable isotope-based feed efficiency and other methods.

The successful candidate will develop a plan to complete their PhD within the scholarship period, engage in national and international research stays, and collaborate with experts at Nofima.


  1. Apply online through NMBU’s Web Recruitment System.
  2.  Ensure your CV is in JobbNorge’s format.
  3. Attach necessary documents:
  4. Motivation letter (max 1 page).
  5.  Complete CV.
  6.  Certified academic diplomas and certificates.
  7.  English proficiency documentation.
  8.  Names and contact details for two references.
  9.  Additional relevant documentation of professional knowledge.

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