6 tips on how to create an optimized LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn has been described as the Facebook for your career. What Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms do to your social life is exactly what LinkedIn does to your career.  

One of the perks of having a presence on LinkedIn is the opportunity it avails you to network, and search for jobs and, this is largely due to the fact that LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform on the internet

In addition, One thing with LinkedIn is that you cannot take away networking from this platform.

LinkedIn even though a social media platform has been a marketplace for professionals to meet, there have been testimonials from people in Nigeria who have gotten leads, established brands, and businesses on LinkedIn all thanks to the power of networking that LinkedIn provides.

Another Opportunity LinkedIn provides is the ability to speak with people distance notwithstanding.

Now, it’s still bewildering to know that a lot of people especially youngsters are totally oblivious to the proper use and optimization of their LinkedIn profiles, and, what that type of ignorance does to you is that it makes you leave a lot of money on the table.

The question which might be raving in your mind might be, how then do I make use of LinkedIn for networking, personal growth, and branding purposes?

In this blog, we have highlighted ways in which you can make the best use of your LinkedIn profile in other to harness different opportunities

1. Create a LinkedIn profile

Like every other social media platform, creating a LinkedIn profile is simple, sign in with your email address and your unique password. A code will be sent to your email for verification and afterward, you’ll be requested to fill in your profile details and, you’re right on LinkedIn

2. Use a clear professional picture

According to LinkedIn Sales, LinkedIn members with a photo receive far more engagement: 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection requests. The profile picture is the first thing a connection or prospective recruiter will see, make good use of it by being sharp. Avoid the use of selfies. Use professional pictures that will portray you as a professional

3. Use an appropriate tagline

Your tagline is the part of your profile that tells a prospective connection what you do. If you are a writer who loves and writes about fashion, the most appropriate tagline will be Fashion writer, One thing a tagline does to your profile is that it makes you stand out in the pool of other profiles.

 A LinkedIn headline is important because: It tells visitors what your prime skill/job is and your strengths. It gives them a good reason to connect with you. One thing to put in place while writing a tagline is to use specific keywords. What keywords does is that it gives LinkedIn reasons to index your profile. When a recruiter types in your area of expertise, your profile pops up.

4. Fill in your about section and your work section

While filling these sections in, be as honest as possible. Recruiters have the ability to look past the facade of the expertise you display. Even when recruiters start reaching out to you, keep it plain and simple. Make them know that you are just starting out, you have less than the experience they require but that you are willing to put in the work and learn.

5. Start connecting with professionals in your field

One thing LinkedIn does to you is Networking, now that you have your profile in the right place, it’s time to start sending connection requests. When you do, go a step further by sending personalized notes which could look like these

” Hello Brendon, 

I am Olayiwola a budding content creator who just started out in the space,

I am seeking to connect with professionals in the content space. I have checked your profile and I would love to connect with you.



The connection will know that there’s a causal link between you two and that you’re not just one of the confused lots on LinkedIn who do not know what they want out of the platform.

6. Start Networking and creating content 

You might be wondering what exactly is networking, Networking in the real sense of it is establishing relationships, meeting, and connecting with people.

One of the reasons why people find it difficult to establish meaningful connections is largely due to fear. And, this is very normal. All you need to do is overcome that fear. You can start with one person per day who is a Nigerian, and tell them you admire what they do, people love validations and when you’re trying to penetrate anyone, make use of validations.

One rule of networking is to not appear needy, and stop telling people how you’ll die if you don’t get a job in 24 hours.

Rather, be slow and steady, make considerable connections and you’ll be fine.

When all these are done, start creating content, throwing in the little you know, personal experiences that have shaped you, start showcasing certifications and accomplishments, literally just start building your brand.

These things take time but literally, stay consistent, and you’ll be just fine 

Are you looking to set up a LinkedIn profile

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