M.S. and Ph.D. Opportunities in Silviculture, Forest Soils And Site Productivity

Institution: University of Maine

Start Date: Fall or Summer 2024

Position Descriptions:

Multiple research positions are available with funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources.

The selected candidate(s) will be part of a collaborative team working to improve available soil data and tools for use in silviculture and forest management decision-making.

Specific research questions will be guided by the interests and experience of the final candidate but should relate to one or more of the following topics: the creation of digital soil maps, ecological site classification, field and lab analysis of forest soils, calibration and validation of existing soil mapping models, and/or creation of metrics for evaluating forest site productivity. Positions will be jointly advised by Dr. Nicole Rogers and Dr. Michael Premer.

Research assistantship:

This position provides 2 (M.S.) or 3 (Ph.D.) years of funding for a 20 hour/week assistantship, 50% of health insurance paid, and a tuition waiver for the University of Maine. Office space and operating support (e.g., use of a laptop, travel funds) are also included. The M.S. assistantship includes a stipend of $22,666 annually, the Ph.D. assistantship includes a stipend of $26, 666 annually.


The ideal candidate will have field and lab skills, experience with soil and tree measurements, familiarity with northeastern US forests, a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research, and strong written and verbal communication skills. Experience with R is desired.

The start date is September 2024 with the possibility of preliminary experiments in Summer 2024. For prospective Doctoral students, a Master’s degree is strongly encouraged.

To Apply:

The position will remain open until filled. Interested applicants should contact Nicole Rogers, nicole.s.rogers@maine.edu, with a copy of their CV and transcripts

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