Masters Degree Position in Stream/Ecosystem Ecology, University of Arkansas, United States

Expires on: 03/01/2024


The Speir Lab at the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) is recruiting a master’s student to work on the QuEST project (Quantifying Ecosystem transport across Space and Time) for Fall 2024. The selected student’s thesis will focus on high-frequency water quality sensor data from nested deployments within a local watershed. The goal will be to capture how stream network expansion and contraction dynamics change carbon, nutrient, and material export.

Students in the Speir Lab receive extensive training in water chemistry analysis, foundational stream ecology methods, and scicomm. We also conduct regular year-round field work (~1x per week – even when it’s cold, snowing, raining, etc!). Students will attend conferences to present their work.


We are looking for someone who is an excellent team player/collaborator, is willing to dig into the nitty gritty of sensors (deployments, electronics, managing LOTS of data, etc.), has experience with water quality research (especially if at the watershed-scale), and has a positive attitude even when faced with challenges.

If you’re interested in joining the lab, email Dr. Speir prior to applying. Include a detailed description of your past research experience (if applicable), why you’d like to join the lab, and your Academic CV. 

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