PhD Research in Particle Physics, Liège University, Belgium

Expires on: 06/30/2024


The Montefiore AI for Science lab at the University of Liège, Belgium, is offering a PhD position in simulation-based inference for particle physics. Under the supervision of Prof. Gilles Louppe, the selected candidate will contribute to the development of simulation-based inference methods tailored for particle physics at the LHC. This position is part of the broader PDR-WEAVE project funded by the Belgian F.R.S.-FNRS and the German DFG, focusing on “Ultra-Fast Event Generation using Neural Networks.”

The PhD position entails working on the development of simulation-based inference methods specific to particle physics at the LHC. Research topics include unfolding with deep generative models, refining likelihood estimation methods, integration with particle physics simulators like MadMiner, and advancing Frequentist simulation-based inference beyond the LHC scope. The position offers a collaborative environment within the PDR-WEAVE project, with opportunities for joint PhD degrees and close collaboration with partner institutions.


Candidates should hold a Master’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or Data Science. An avid interest in fundamental physics, statistical inference, and deep learning is essential. Experience with particle physics, likelihood-free inference, and/or deep generative models is advantageous.

How to Apply: Interested applicants should submit a resume and a brief motivation letter to Prof. Gilles Louppe via email at The position remains open until filled.

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