Scholarships for international master’s students

Frankfurt School awards a total of four STIBET III Matching Funds scholarships for new international master’s students in the following study programmes:

MoF – Master of Finance (MSc)

MiM – Master in Management (MSc)

MADS – Master in Applied Data Science (MSc)

Four scholarships in total will be awarded to students in the MoF, MiM and MADS programmes. Each of these scholarships comprises a cost-of-living subsidy of EUR 600 per month from September to January.

Selection criteria for all programmes include candidates’ academic results (grade of first degree), performance in the GMAT (or equivalent), and extra-curricular achievements.

It is not necessary to submit a separate application for a scholarship. All applications for admission to one of the eligible programmes that have been submitted by 30 June will be considered automatically. A Frankfurt School committee selects the scholarship winners by the end of July based on the same criteria used for admission. The committee’s decision is final and candidates have no legal entitlement to a scholarship. Students who receive other scholarships or support from their employer towards the cost of tuition are not eligible for this scholarship.

To apply:

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